During the festive season, Nordic Green Products AS successfully executed a critical maintenance project on the Seven Falcon at Damen Shipyard in Amsterdam.

The project began as a simple cleaning operation for box coolers but quickly expanded to encompass cleaning, sandblasting, and recoating.

NGP demonstrated its maritime maintenance expertise by supervising the dismantling and installation of box coolers aboard the vessel. In addition to cleaning, all box coolers undergoing recoating were sandblasted, ensuring an optimal surface for the application of Säkatonit Paint, chosen for its high-quality and durability.

This project, amidst the holiday celebrations, exemplifies the resilience and adaptability required in maritime engineering. The team’s remarkable problem-solving skills and technical acumen were key to the project’s success, showcasing the collaborative efforts of the crew and maintenance teams.

The Seven Falcon project underscores NGP’s commitment to high operational standards in vessel maintenance. This project sets a new benchmark in maritime maintenance, highlighting the effectiveness of teamwork and innovation in managing complex technical tasks.